SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Festival du film de chercheur 2010

Genre : Festival | Nancy

From tuesday 04 to friday 07 may 2010

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

The 11th Researchers' Film Festival is on its way…. CNRS and the Lorraine Universities invite you to come and see, look at, journey through, explore, share and understand science. Science… Does it perhaps seem distant to you? The preserve of a select few who speak a different language from you and live in a totally different world? That's just not true! Science is made for and by us all. And every day, you use it, use it too much even… you benefit from it and sometimes it makes your life easier or maybe that should be harder? So sometimes with science we may feel lost as if the whole thing was beyond us but then again how far are we willing to go? Perhaps images can help us to visualize the invisible side of science which continually revolutionizes our relationship with the world around us? Would that make us less afraid?

Science and more particularly scientific films are an exploration of the infinitely small, the infinitely large and above all of that which is infinitely human. Science has evolved so much that today it can no longer be conceived of without an ethical or moral dimension, without including its relationship to the world as a whole, without explanation.

Researchers are thus the new explorers of this 21st century. We'd like to invite you to the Nancy "Palais des Congrès" (Conference Centre) from May 4th to 7th 2010 to see, voyage, speak, exchange ideas and learn. Aren't the eyes said to be the window to the soul? Well let's open the windows to science together. We can only feel at ease in our world if we understand it without fearing that the sky might fall on our heads. Scientific progress can only truly be progress if it is shared and understood.

119 films entered
As with previous years, we received a large number of films covering a large variety of scientific themes.

Recurring events

1 files


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

With the support of