SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Festival international de poésie 3V 2011

Genre : Festival | Douala

From wednesday 30 november to saturday 03 december 2011

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Fine arts, Dance, Poetry / story telling

La 5ta edición del Festival internacional de Poesía 3v tendrá lugar en diversos sitios de Duala (Camerún) los 30 de noviembre y 1, 2, 3 de diciembre 2011.
Goddy Leye, el artista y panadero principal de la panadería de Arte Art Bakery, colaborador del festival que falleció en febrero de 2011 será homenajeado.
esperamos a poetas y artistas de Camerún, Colombia, Francia, Senegal y Ucrania.

The 5th edition of the international Poetry 3v will take place in Douala from the 30th november to the 3rd of december 2011
there will be a sound tribute to the late artist and founder of Art Bakery Goddy Leye who from the beginning of the festival in 2007 until his death in february 2011 was an esthusiast colaborator of the festival.
We are expecting poet and artists from Cameroon, Colombia, France, Senegal an Ukrain.


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

With the support of