Black Beauty: the first image seems to give a literal meaning to the title, with a beautiful black woman black woman lying naked. Then seen shooting a vaguely eighties beauty cream ad, and repeating its pseudo-ecological slogan to the point of saturation and derangement. Suddenly, here she is again, hosting Jorge Luis Borges on a TV set to discuss the publication of his latest novel and the burning issues of our time. Parody of an author and of television styles? Certainly; but also a convocation of the games of mirrors associated with him to question what they can tell us about our contemporary themes. (Nathan Letoré).
Grace Ndiritu
Screenplay: Grace Ndiritu.
Image: Pablo Paloma.
Editing: José María Avilés.
Sound: Martin Gabriel Scaglia.
Starring: Aida Welle, Aida Welle, Emilio Linder, Lucas Azpurgua, Emile Massieu Yanes, Nicolás Celda Laurent-Atthalin, Andrea Celda Laurent-Atthalin, Marielena Correa Alcalá. Production: Julieta Juncadella (Una Presencia), Grace Ndiritu (Post-Hippie Productions).
Distribution: Alice Lea (Lux).
Filmography: Raiders of The Lost Ark, 2015. A Week in the News: 7 places we think we know, 7 news stories we think we understand, 2010. Journeys North: Pole to Pole, 2009.
Natural Disasters (Urban Myths, Urban Legends), 2007. Still Life & Responsible Tourism - 2005/2007. Desert Storm, 2004. The Nightingale, 2003.
A film by Grace Ndiritu selected for the FIDMarseille 2021, 32nd edition