SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Effects of Wording

  • Effects of Wording
Genre : Political
Type : Film essay
Original title : Effects of wording |The Mozambique Archive Series
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2014
Format : Short
Running time : 29 (in minutes)

A Super 8 film, shot in 1967 in Dar-es-Salaam, shows the rehearsal of a theatrical play; a white man guides a group of young black men. Slow temporality and tender relations can be felt between them that contrasts with the revelation of the acting scene: an inert body is forced to a rendition movement. There are palm trees in the landscape and a sign fixed to the ground shows the words, "The Mozambique Institute".

Archive images always hold the promise to retain any historical truth, but this promise comes often coupled with a potential disloyalty, when a simple transposition of context, of wording, will, in time, in space, betray it without too much effort. As a short visual essay, Effects of Wording feels free to exhaust the notion of the archive as a driving force and sign of "reading the world" by looking - on three different continents - the story of the Institute of Mozambique.

a film by / un film de
Catarina SIMÃO

Effects of Wording | The Mozambique Archive Series: video installation for Really Useful Knowledge, curated by WHW, Reina Sofia Museum. Effects of Wording (29′)

Effects of wording |The Mozambique Archive Series
Stereo sound Video HD color, 29'
By Catarina SImão
Editor Fernanda Gurgel
Lisbon, 2014



A videoinstalação da artista portuguesa Catarina Simão, que trata das lutas de independência de Moçambique contra o colonialismo português, na década de 1960.

Catarina investiga a memória dos documentos históricos, fotografias e desenhos e propõe uma análise sobre a importância da educação nesse processo. O Institute of Mozambique, escola da FRELIMO -Frente de Libertação de Moçambique- alfabetizou um grande número de jovens africanos no período, tendo como referência as metodologias de ensino do pedagogo brasileiro Paulo Freire (1921-1997).

Em 2019, a sala de vídeos do MASP recebe, ainda como parte do ciclo de histórias afro-atlânticas, trabalhos de Jenn Nkiru e Akosua Adoma Owusu.

Local: Segundo subsolo
Endereço: Avenida Paulista, 1578, São Paulo
Horários: quarta a domingo: das 10h às 18h (bilheteria aberta até as 17h30); terça-feira: das 10h às 20h (bilheteria até 19h30)
Ingressos: R$ 35 (entrada); R$ 17 (meia-entrada)



Der Film untersucht das Mosambik-Institut im geografischen Dreieck zwischen Tansania, seinem Geldgeber (der Ford Foundation) in den USA und der kolonialen Besatzungsmacht Portugal. Archivmaterial, Textausschnitte, -Berichte von ehemaligen Studierenden und Lehrkräften flechten ein Narrativ, in dem auch die Frente de Libertação de Moçambique (FRELIMO, Mosambikanische Befreiungsfront) vorkommt.

ein film von
Catarina Simão, 2014, PT, HD, 29:44 min

Sa 23.05. 22:00 Festivalkino Cinema Z3


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

With the support of