SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Lost children of Angola

Lost children of Angola
Genre : War
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1993
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 59 (in minutes)

Eighteen years of civil war between the government of Angola and right-wing rebels UNITA have left a country of great potential wealth, shattered and dislocated -its people killed, maimed, uprooted and impoverished. This documentary focuses on the country's most recent generation, those least able to fend for themselves who will, if they survive, carry the scars of war into adulthood. With a virtually worthless currency, a tremendous influx of refugees and a total breakdown of transport, sanitation and power systems, life in the capital city Luanda, has become intolerable. The city is full of children orphaned or separated from their families who scrape a living by stealing and begging. Those that can't five on their wits don't survive long. Others, hurt in the fighting, become separated when sent to Luanda's pitifully inadequate hospital -although now Save the Children has begun a programme to reunite some with their families. For all this, the children who take part in the film display a remarkable resilience, hope and bravery - qualities they will need in abundance if they are to survive the turmoil of the years ahead.

Producer/Director: Jenny Barraclough, Clifford Bestall

Length: 59'
Language: English
Production Co: A Barraclough Carey Production for Channel 4

Channel 4 International sales
124-126 Horseferry Road, London W1P 2AX, UK
Tel: (44) 71 396 4444
Fax: (44) 71 306 8363


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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