SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Ramsis Paris

  • Ramsis Paris
Genre : Comedy
Type : Fiction
Original title : Ramses to Paris [Working Title] - رمسيس باريس
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2023
Format : Feature

A mafia boss, African magic, Egyptian police, and a trip to Louvre, France - RAMSIS PARIS will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Renault, a French Mafia leader, is trying to smuggle a cargo of contraband into the Egyptian market, but he fails because of the vigilance of the Egyptian police, so he casts a spell through an African magician to hide the cargo and he succeeds. Part of this cargo and spell reaches one of the heroes of the film before the police arrest him. The salvaged part of the spell remains within our hero's skin. He exploits the spell along with his friends to appear in Paris and through a series of action-driven comedic events ends up attempting to steal the Mona Lisa from the Louvre.

A love story begins between Isabel, the daughter of the French governor of Rosetta, and the Egyptian Selim, so her father sends her to France, where she resorts to a Moroccan sorcerer to bring her Selim. The sorcerer gives her a box of drugs and asks her to send it to Selim so that he can use it to come to France, but Selim is arrested. Time passes, and someone finds the box in the modern era.

estrelado / starring / avec :
Haifa Wehbe, Hamdi El-Mirghani, Moustafa Khater, Mohamed Salam, Mohamed Tharwat, Mahmoud Hafez

a film by / un film de
Ahmed Khaled Moussa

Egypt, France, Lebanon | 2023 | Feature Fiction | Comedy | in Arabic

Título / Original Title / Titre Original : Ramsis Paris - رمسيس باريس
Título Internacional (en Inglês) / International Title (English) / Titre international (Anglais) : Ramsis Paris
Título (França / Bélgica) / Title (France / Belgium) / Titre (France, Belgique) : Ramsis Paris
Outro título (em árabe) / Other Title (in Arabic) / Autre Titre (en arabe) : رمسيس باريس
Outro título / Former Title / Ancien Titre : Ramses to Paris
Duração / Duración / Runtime / Durée : 00' (0h 00 minutes, 00:00:00)
Tipo / Type / Type : Longa-metragem de ficção / Feature Fiction / Long-métrage Fiction
Gênero / Genre : Comédia / Comedy / Comédie
Idioma / Languages / Langues de tournage : Egípcio (Árabe) / Egyptian (Arabic) / Egyptien (Arabe)
Subtítulos / Subtitles / Sous-titres : Árabe, Inglês, Francês / Arabic, English, French / Arabe, Anglais, Français
País de Produção / Country of Production / Pays de Production :
País do Diretor / Filmmaker's Country / Pays du réalisateur : Egipto / Egypt / Egypte
País de filmagem / Country of Filming / Pays de tournage : França, Egipto / France, Egypt / France, Egypte
Ano de Produção / Year of production / Année de production : 2023
Ano de lançamento / Year of Release / Année de Sortie : 2023 (20th April)
Cores / Colors / Couleurs : Cor / Color / Couleur
Suporte de difusão / Media / Support de diffusion :
Formato / Aspect Ratio / Format Image :
Formato de som / Sound Mix / Format Son :
Visa Number / Numéro de visa (France) :
Orçamento estimado / Estimated Budget / Budget prévisionnel :
Période et lieux de tournage :
TAGS : Comedy, Magical, Expatriate, Women, Museum, Musée

Haifa Wehbe.................................................................... Isabel
Hamdi El-Mirghani (AKA Hamdi Al Marghani, AKA Hamdy Al Merghany)...........
Moustafa Khater (AKA Mostafa Khater).....................................
Mohamed Salam (AKA Mohamed Sallam)..................................
Mohamed Tharwat (AKA Mohammed Tharwat)...........................
Mahmoud Hafez................................................................
Samira Magroun................................................................
Mohamed Osama................................................................
Mostafa El Banna................................................................

Ahmed Khaled Moussa
Remon Ramsis

Ahmed Khaled Moussa

Guionistas / Screenwriters / Scénaristes :
Karim Hassan Bashir
Mahmoud Hegazy

Dir. de Fotografia / Director of Photography / Directeur de la photo :
Director de Som / Sound Recordist (Sound Engineer) / Ingénieur du son :
Costumes designer / Créatrice des Costumes :
Location Manager / Régisseur général :
Script supervisor / Script-Girl :
Música / Composer (Original Music) / Musique :
Montagem / Editing / Montage :
Sound designer / Monteur son :
Direcção de Arte / Production design / Décors :
Sound Mixing (Re-recording mixer) / Mixage :
Gerente de Produção / Unit production manager / Directrice de production :
1o Assistente Realização / First Assistant Director / 1ère Assistante Réalisatrice :
1o Assistente Realização / Second Assistant Director / 2ème Assistante Réalisatrice :
Makeup artist / Maquillage :
Makeup & prosthetics designer / Maquillage & prothèse :
Color Grading / Etalonnage :
Camera Assistant / Assistant opérateur :
Assistant editor / Assistant monteur :
Casting Director / Directeur de Casting :

Lucky Light Movie Music [France]
AKA productions [Egypt]
Cedars Art Production [Egypt, Lebanon]
Vox Cinemas


Vox Cinemas


Kingdom of Saudi (KSA) / Saudi Arabie saoudite : 20 April 2023
Egypt : 21 April 2023
Dubai : April 2023

CONTACT (Print Copy / Diffusion du film, Festivals)

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- https://ksa.voxcinemas.com/movies/ramsis-paris-arabic
- https://uae.voxcinemas.com/movies/ramsis-paris-arabic
- www.bayut.com/mybayut/movies-uae-month/
- www.crew-united.com/en/Ramsis-Paris__298531.html
- https://elcinema.com/en/work/2072186/
Updated by Thierno DIA, 26 April 2023


1 files


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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