SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Abdenour Zahzah

  • Abdenour Zahzah
© DR
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter, Owner of movie theater, Editor
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Theater, Cinema/tv, Dance

Algerian Filmmaker and cultural manager.

Abdenour ZAHZAH is a Film Director, Screenwriter, Film Editor, Producer, and Cultural Manager.

Born 1973 in Blida (Algeria), he pursued audiovisual studies at Algiers University from 1993 to 1997, then chaired the Blida Cinematheque (Blida Film Library) from 1998 to 2004. He chose to be "a man who shows films". He is also a producer through his company, Atlas Film, based in Blida.
Since 1998, he directed several documentaries and in 2010 "Garagouz", a multi-awarded short fiction film (25 international prizes around the 5 continents). He lives and works in Algeria.

- 2002 | Frantz Fanon, Mémoire d'asile | Documentary / Documentaire | 54 mins.
- 2005 | Sous le soleil, le plomb | Documentary / Documentaire | 52 mins
- 2007 | Le Non-Faire | Documentary / Documentaire | 50 mins
- 2007 | Maurice Pons, écrivain de l'étrange | Documentary / Documentaire | 70 mins
- 2009 | La longue marche vers le Nepad | Documentary / Documentaire | 56 mins
- 2010 | Garagouz (Marionnettes) | Short drama / Fiction | 25 mins (1st drama / 1ère fiction)
- 2011 | Andalucia
- 2013 | El oued, el oued (The River) | Documentary / Documentaire | 86 mins (1st Feature Documentary / 1er Long métrage documentaire)
- 2023 | Pierre Clément, Cinéma & Revolution | Documentary / Documentaire
- 2024 | Fanon / True Chronicles of the Blida Joinville Psychiatric Hospital in the Last Century, when Dr Frantz Fanon Was Head of the Fifth Ward between 1953 and 1956 / Chroniques fidèles survenues au siècle dernier à l'hôpital psychiatrique Blida-Joinville, au temps où le Docteur Frantz Fanon était chef de la cinquième division entre 1953 et 1956 | 1st Feature Drama / 1er Long métrage Fiction | 91 mins | starring / avec Alexandre Desane, Nicolas Dromard, Gérard Dubouche, Omar Boulaakirba, Amal Kateb, Catherine Boskowitz, Chahrazad Kracheni, Kader Affak, Frantz Fanon, Bachir Ridouh, Abderrahmane Aziz

Fuente / Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- Laith Media
- www.linkedin.com/in/abdenour-zahzah-00932051/
- www.berlinale.de/en/2024/programme/202402038.html
- https://shellacfilms.com/film/fanon/
- https://bretagne-et-diversite.net/fr/portraits-realisateurs/abdenour-zahzah
- https://elwatan-dz.com/abdenour-zahzah-realisateur-actuellement-il-y-a-un-regain-pour-la-pensee-de-frantz-fanon-dans-le-monde-entier
Updated by Thierno DIA, 06 August 2024


المولود في البليدة عبد النور زحزاح الفنون السمعية البصرية [ درس ا في جامعة الجزائر، وعمل في مكتبة السينما الجزائرية. أخرج عدّة أفلام وثائقية، في الجزائر وفرنسا. قراقوز هو فيلمه الروائي الأول.


Biografia reżysera:
Abdenour Zahzah - urodzony w Algierii. Ukończył studia medioznawstwa, po czym w latach 1998-2003 pracował w bibliotece filmowej w rodzinnym mieście. Jego pierwszy dokument ?Frantz Fanon: memoire d'asile" (2003) [Frantz Fanon: azyl pamięci] dotyczy okresu pracy sławnego pisarza w szpitalu psychiatrycznym w Fanon. Od tego czasu udało mu się zrealizować kilka dokumentów o sztuce i twórcach. Film ?Długa droga do rozwoju" (2009) został nakręcony w ramach Festiwalu Panafrykańskiego w Algierii w 2009 roku. Obecnie Zahzah przygotowuje się do realizacji krótkiej fabuły ?Puppeteer" [Lalkarz], opowiadającym o trudnej sytuacji artysty w kraju wrogim wobec sztuki.

Fuente / Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- www.afrykamera.pl/pl/?req=movies&movieId=57


1973'te Blida'da doğdu. 1997'de Cezayir Üniversitesi'nde görsel-işitsel iletişim eğitimini tamamladı 2002'de "Frantz Fanon, Akıl Hastanesinden Hatıralar" adlı çalışmasıyla birlikte belgesel yapımına başladı. Bunu 2005'te "Güneşin altında kurşun" izledi. 2003'ten 2006'ya kadar Fransa'da yaşadı ve burada iki belgesel çekti (Le Non-Faire, Maurice Pons: Tuhaflıkların Yazarı). "Karagöz" ilk kurmaca filmi.

- 2024 | Fanon / Chroniques fidèles survenues au siècle dernier à l'hôpital psychiatrique Blida-Joinville, au temps où le Docteur Frantz Fanon était chef de la cinquième division entre 1953 et 1956
- 2023 | Pierre Clément, Cinéma & Revolution
- 2013 | El oued, el oued (The River)
- 2011 | Andalucia
- 2010 | Garagouz (Marionnettes) | Short drama / Fiction | 25 mins (1st drama / 1ère fiction)
- 2009 | La longue marche vers le NEPAD
- 2007 | Maurice Pons écrivain de l'étrange
- 2006 | Le Non-Faire
- 2005 | Sous le soleil, le plomb
- 2002 | Frantz Fanon, Mémoire d'asile

Fuente / Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine


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