SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Os de fer (L') - عظم الحديد

  • Os de fer (L') - عظم [...]
Type : Fiction
Original title : Adem Lahdid / Edem Elhdid
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2006
Format : Feature
Running time : 113 (in minutes)

Early 90s, in the North of Morocc ; Rahil decides to carry on her studies at the university, despite her parents' disagreement. There, she noticed the growth of Islamic crowds. A few members of syndicate try to resist. Said, a radiant student, who used to be apart, decides to get involved in the movement in order to conquer her love.

A film by Hicham LASRI

Morocco, 2006, Feature (TV Film), 113 mins

starring Tarik Bakhari, Hassan Badida, Mustapha Houari, Mohammed Aouragh, Najia Fettah, Salah Bensalah, Koman

Durée/Length : 1h 52 mn
Format : 35 mm

Producer: Nabil Ayouch

Réalisateur/Director : Hicham Lasri
Scénario/Script: Hicham Lasri
Images/Pictures : Jose Gerl
Montage/Editing: Lui Wetti
Musique/Music : Raw Fix, David Damier

Interprètes/Actors :
Hassan Badida, Tark El Baikhein, Med Aouragh, Moustapha El Hauvan

Produced by Ali n' Productions & SNRT

Film from the Film Industry Collection (Ali n' Productions)

Tél. : +212 22492828
Fax : +212 22267630


2 files


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

With the support of