SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Bitter Tropics

  • Tropiques amers
Genre : Historical
Type : TV series
Original title : Un nouveau monde
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, History/society
Year of production : 2006
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 52 (in minutes)

A very popular French mini-series set on a plantation in Martinique during the times of slavery.

The Count de Rochant, a ruined nobleman, arrives in Martinique to serve as Intendant to the Kingdom of France. He has brought his family, including his daughter, Olympe, who is engaged to marry Théophile Bonaventure, a former soldier, who has become one of the richest man in the island. Olympe dreams of the noble savages she would tame to turn her salon in the main attraction of colonial society. But she is soon brought down to earth by realities. Théophile married her for her money; he enjoys exerting his sexual authority over the women slaves of the plantation. Olympe fiercely resists the growing influence of Adele, a young slave who uses her status as favorite to obtain her freedom. We follow 20 years in the overlapping lives of masters and slaves: some have come to seek their fortune, others fight to survive to win a bit of freedom.

Martinique, 52mins, 2007, mini-series, French with English subtitles, Jean-Claude Flamand Barny, dir.

Director : Jean-Claude Flamand Barny
Script : Virginie Brac, Myriam Cottias
Camera : Claude Garnier
Sound : Eric Boisteau
Editing : Any Goirand
Music : Michaël Haustant
Cast : Fatou N'Diaye, Jean-Claude Adelin, Jean-Michel Martial, Léa Bosco, Aïssatou Thiam

Production :
Lizland Films,

with the participation of : France 3, Conseil Régional de Martinique, Union Européenne de Radio Télévision

Sales :
Bavaria Media GmbH,

Format: Super 16. Colour
Running time: 6 x 52 min
Year of production: 2006


FIPA 2007, Biarritz (France)
> Non Competitive selection (Aspects of French production)


2 files


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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