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Robert Guédiguian

Robert Guédiguian
© courtesy San-Sebastian FilmFest 2017
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter, Associate producer, Associate producer
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

French Actor, Director, Executive Producer, Associate Producer, Screenwriter, Co-producer, Producer

Throughout his career Robert Guédiguian has expressed his political commitment in his cinema, narrating the life of the working classes, mainly in his native Marseille. Among his most outstanding films are Marius et Jeannette (Marius and Jeannette, 1997), winner of three Césars, La ville est tranquille (The Town is Quiet, 2001) and Le promeneur du Champ de Mars (The Last Mitterand, 2005). In 1998 he won the Special Jury Prize for À la place du Coeur (Where the Heart Is) in San Sebastian, to which he returned in 2004 with Mon père est ingenieur (My Father is an Engineer).


2018 - Lady Winsley / directed by Hiner Saleem
* Executive Producer

2017 - The Young Karl Marx (Le Jeune Karl Marx) / directed by Raoul Peck
* Executive Producer

2017 - La Villa (The House by the Sea)
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer,

2015 - The Arabian Nights - Volume 3, The Enchanted One (Les Mille et une nuits - L'Enchanté) / directed by Miguel Gomes
* Co-producer

2015 - The Arabian Nights - Volume 2, The Desolate One (Les Mille et une nuits - Le Désolé) / directed by Miguel Gomes
* Co-producer

2014 - Arabian Nights - Volume 1, The Restless One (Les Mille et une nuits - L'Inquiet) / directed by Miguel Gomes
* Co-producer

2014 - Une histoire de fou (Don't Tell Me the Boy Was Mad)
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

2013 - En vérité, je vous le dis (The Neighborhood Filmmaker) / directed by Richard Copans
* Participant

2013 - My Sweet Pepper Land / directed by Hiner Saleem
* Executive Producer

2013 - Au fil d'Ariane (Ariane's Thread)
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

2013 - Notre Monde (Our World) / directed by Thomas Lacoste
* Executive Producer, Executive Producer

2010 - Les neiges du Kilimanjaro (Snows of Kilimanjaro)
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

2009 - Après la chute (After the Downfall) / directed by Hiner Saleem
* Executive Producer

2009 - Dimanche matin (Sunday Morning) / directed by Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet
* Executive Producer

2008 - Gamines (Sisters) / directed by Éléonore Faucher
* Executive Producer

2008 - L'Armée du Crime (The Army of Crime)
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

2007 - Lady Jane
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

2007 - Beneath the Rooftops of Paris (Les Toits de Paris) / directed by Hiner Saleem
* Executive Producer

2006 - Le Dernier des fous / directed by Laurent Achard
* Executive Producer

2005 - Le Voyage en Arménie
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

2004 - Le Promeneur du Champ de Mars (The Last Mitterrand)
* Director, Executive Producer

2004 - La Faucheuse à ma mère / directed by Carole Guenot (Short film)
* Executive Producer

2004 - Code 68 / directed by Jean-Henri Roger
* Executive Producer

2004 - Mon père est ingénieur (My Father is an Engineer)
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

2002 - Lulu / directed by Jean-Henri Roger
* Actor

2001 - Marie-Jo et ses deux amours (Marie-Jo and Her 2 Lovers)
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

2000 - La Ville est tranquille (The Town is Quiet)
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

2000 - A l'attaque (Charge!)
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

1998 - À la place du cœur (Where the Heart Is)
* Director, Screenwriter

1996 - Marius et Jeannette
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

1995 - L'Age des possibles (Cross-Roads) / directed by Pascale Ferran
* Screenwriter

1995 - À la vie, à la mort ! (Till Death Do Us Part)
* Director, Screenwriter

1993 - L'Argent fait le bonheur (Money Buys Hapiness)
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

1990 - Montalvo et l'enfant / A Feature film by Claude Mouriéras
* Associate Producer

1989 - Dieu vomit les tièdes
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

1985 - Le Souffleur / directed by Frank Le Wita
* Screenwriter, Executive Producer

1985 - Ki lo sa ?
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

1983 - Rouge midi (Red midi)
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

1981 - Dernier été (Last Summer)
* Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer

1980 - Fernand / directed by René Ferret
* Co-Screenwriter

* www.sansebastianfestival.com/2017/sections_and_films/pearls/7/650303/in
* http://www.unifrance.org/annuaires/personne/26321/robert-guediguian



A lo largo de su carrera Robert Guédiguian ha plasmado en el cine su compromiso político, narrando la vida de las clases trabajadoras, principalmente de su Marsella natal. Entre sus películas más destacadas, Marius et Jeannette (Marius y Jeannette, 1997), ganadora de tres César, La ville est tranquille (La ciudad está tranquila, 2001) o Le promeneur du Champ de Mars (Presidente Mitterrand, 2005). En 1998 ganó el Premio Especial del Jurado por À la place du coeur (De todo corazón) en San Sebastián, a donde regresó en 2004 con Mon père est ingenieur (Mi padre es ingeniero).

* https://www.sansebastianfestival.com/2017/secciones_y_peliculas/perlas/7/650303/es


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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