SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Langon's Atypical Nights 2011

Genre : Festival | Langon

From thursday 28 to saturday 30 july 2011

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Cinema/tv, History/society

From the 28th to the 30th of July, 2011

A world-wide musics' pioneer festival, Langon's Atypical Nights, rooted in Occitanian earth, are known for their discovering, open spirit and their international engagement.

Recognized as a place of exchange, meetings and debates, that unifies identity and alterity, music and politic, the Atypical Nights have always put forward artistically singularities and cultural and linguistic diversity. Throughout the years, they became a unique meeting of world-wide cultures, mixing music, singing, dancing, cinema and debates.

On the shores of the Garonne, in the shade of the tall trees in the Parc des Vergers or under a star-strewn sky, this 20th edition of the Atypical Nights promise to be beautiful, tender, poetic, human, fraternal, joyous and festive!

They will swing "very, very hard" with the urban music of the Congolese Staff Benda Bilili, handicapped musicians from the streets of Kinshasa; they will show a desire of African revolution with the Ivorian Tiken Jah Fakoly; they will dance with the steel-band, these oil drum orchestras born from the petroleum industry, represented by the Renegades Steel Orchestra, mythical steel-band from Trinidad-and-Tobago, capable of playing traditional calypsos as well as Schubert's Ave Maria... They will let Sivan Perwer speak, the great Kurdish voice, exiled for thirty-five years now; they will have an impact with the Tambour Quartet, bringing four amazing artists around the tambourin: Carlo Rizzo (Italy), Ravi Prasad (India), Paul Mindy (Brazil) and Adel Shams el Din (Egypt), and with two djembe masters from Burkina Faso and Guinea, Lamine Sanou and Mohamed Bangoura. They will also sing in Occitan (and in Brazilian) with Moussu T. e lei Jovents, and La Talvera, who elaborated a common project with Silverio Pessoa called "ForrOccitania", mixing languages, musics and instruments from the Northeast Region in Brazil, and Occitania. The responsibility of the lanterns' extinction will be given to Pad Brapad, who mixes, with humor and energy, tzigane and klezmer music, electro and hip-hop.

In these days of merchant world-wideness and growth in extremism, this 20th edition is determined to reaffirm the Atypical Nights' fundamental values (share, exchange, dialogue, justice, equitability, emancipation), and to denounce the problems of the society of overconsumption.

In Langon, there's no music without debates or cinema. This 20th edition is also filled with meetings and movie projections. On Monday, 25th of July, will be organized, as a starters, the 3rd edition of the Language Forum of France. Thursday the 28th will be a special day for steel-band and unexperienced performances. On Friday the 29th, the movie "Benda Bilili", followed by a meeting with the group, and "D'une rive à l'autre", a documentary on gas commerce that handicapped people are allowed to do at their risks and perils between the two Congo, followed by a debate with the director Delphe Kifouani. Saturday the 30th will offer to meet the Kurdish singer Sivan Perwer, then the projection of Tiken Jah Fakoly "Viens voir" followed by a debate with the director Jessy Nottola. In addition to its estival festival, Atypical Nights has created in 20 years a brother festival at the Burkina Faso (the Atypical Nights of Koudougou), a sound recording label (daqui), an autumn festival (the Aquitaine Nights), a Language Forum of France, some against-the-current movie productions, book publishing, nice local, national and international complicities, some Larzac at Bamako...

In Langon, there's no music without ethics, no diversity without citizenship. To question one's time, to think instead of undergo, to act instead of moan, and at the same time dance and think. Atypical Nights' marvelous adventure continues. Welcome to Langon for this 20th edition!



Centre culturel des Carmes 10h00
Language Forum of france Third edition

Centre culturel des Carmes 17h00
Special steel band
projection and meeting

Place des Carmes 19h00
Pan spirit de Saint-Macaire
Musical aperitif

Place des Carmes 21h00

Parc des Vergers - Scène du jardin 1h00
La Talvera & Silverio Pessoa Brazil/ Occitania

Centre culturel des Carmes 15h00
D'une rive à l'autre

Cinema Les 2 Rio 17h00
Benda Bilili!

Parc des Vergers 19h00
Le Tropique du Cancer [Toulouse] Opening of the Parc des Vergers

Parc des Vergers - Scène du jardin 20h00
Renegades Steel Orchestra Trinidad-et-Tobago

Parc des Vergers - Scène de la Mosquée 22h00
Siwan Perwer Kurdistan

Parc des Vergers - Scène de la Mosquée 23h30
Staff Benda Bilili Congo RDC


Centre Culturel des Carmes 14h30
Siwan Perwer Kurdistan

Centre culturel des Carmes 16h00
Tiken Jah Fakoly "Viens voir"
Parc des Vergers 18h00
Acousteel Gang [Langon] Opening of the Parc des Vergers

Parc des Vergers - Scène du jardin 18h30
Lamine Sanou & Mohamed Bangoura Burkina Faso/ Guinea

Parc des Vergers - Scène du Jardin 20h00
Moussu T e Lei Jovents Occitania

Parc des Vergers - Scène de la Mosquée 22h00
Tambour Quartet Italy-India-Egypt

Parc des Vergers - Scène de la Mosquée 23h30
Tiken Jah Fakoly African revolution

Parc des Vergers - Scène du Jardin 1h00
Pad Brapad Paris

Information / Venue

Av Arthur Gibaud
Langon ( 33210 )

Recurring events

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1 files


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

With the support of