SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Desert Ambush

  • Qui sème le vent
Genre : Thriller
Type : Telefilm
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Northern Niger. Two French scientists working for an environmental NGO disappear during a mission in the region of Arlit. Hugo Geoffroy, second-in-command of a specialist emergency unit of the French police, and Thomas Villiers, his boss, are sent to negotiate for the hostages' freedom.
The same day in Niamey, however, negotiations get underway between the Nigerian government and Urania, a giant French uranium company, with a view to renewing French mining concessions.
At Urania's request, researcher Dr Hélène Bauer flies to Nigeria, where she soon realises that Hugo is playing a double game. Now Hugo and Hélène find themselves swept up in a conspiracy orchestrated by the Chinese to sour relations between Nigeria and France, and have to work as a team to try and save the two hostages. But what is the life of two ecology scientists worth when France's highest interests are at stake ?

This is the second long feature film directed by Fred Garson.
An uncompromising political thriller starring Natacha Régnier, Laurent Lucas and Emil Abossolo Mbo, produced by ARTE France and Maha Productions.

QUI SEME LE VENT touches on one of the hottest topics in current events: a kidnapping in Niger, the desert and uranium mines, French and African politicians in turmoil. The fate of two French hostages becomes one of the stakes of the renegotiations of the uranium concessions between France and Niger. A film that seriously questions reasons of State.



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Qui sème le vent



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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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