SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Hands Up

  • Mains en l'air (Les)
© Films du Losange (Les), 2010
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : Tutti per Uno [Italy]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2010
Format : Feature
Running time : 90 (in minutes)

Milana is a child of Chechen origin. Her gang of friends includes children of every skin colours and background. One day, Youssef, whose parents are illegal immigrants, is deported. Milana seems likely to be next on the list. The children plot ways of saving Milana.

March 22, 2067.
Milana remembers what happened to her sixty years ago.
In 2009, Milana, of Chechen origin, is in her fifth year of elementary school in Paris. Her friends, her gang, are Blaise, Alice, Claudio, Ali and Youssef.
But one day Youssef, who has no French green card, is deported. Then it's Milana's turn to be threatened. Feeling that they're in danger, the children decide to react. They promise to always stay together and organize a plot to save Milana.

directed by Romain Goupil

France, 2010, 90 min

dir: Romain Goupil
prod: Margaret Ménégoz
scr: Romain Goupil
cam: Irina Lubtchansky
editor: Laurence Briaud
cast: Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi, Linda Doudaeva, Jules Ritmanic, Louna Klanit, Louka Masset, Jérémie Yousaf

Les Films du Losange, 22 avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie, 75116 Paris, France. FAX: 33-1-49-52-06-40. EMAIL: t.petit(@)filmsdulosange.fr.
web: www.lesmainsenlairlefilm.com

From its opening scene, time-stamped in the year 2067, Hands Up might be mistaken for a futuristic narrative. Reminiscing on an event in her childhood some 60 years earlier, Milana marvels at the archaic nature of classroom teaching in 2009 and can't even recall who was president of France that year (a not-so-subtle clue to the filmmaker's contempt for Nicolas Sarkozy). But this is very much a story of the present-and the past-when certain classes of French society suffer the consequences of government policy. For Milana at age 11, it is the threat of deportation for her and her family of undocumented Chechen immigrants living in Paris. Milana is one of thousands of children affected by current immigration policy-a source of fierce political debate and protest within the community. When Youssef, one of her tight-knit gang of friends, is suddenly deported with his family, the group of children fear Milana will be next. Brother and sister Blaise and Alice convince their earnest, left-leaning mother (a free-spirited but stressed-out Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi, who, ironically, took this role just prior to becoming Sarkozy's sister-in-law) to take Milana into their home to try to protect her. But when the perceived dangers continue to escalate, the kids hatch a meticulous plan to go into hiding, where they can insure Milana's safety (and eat and do whatever they like). For days, their disappearance becomes a cause célèbre in the media, compelling the adult world to sit up, take notice and reconsider their priorities.

-Joanne Parsont
54th San Francisco International Film Festival, April 21 - May 5, 2011


22 de marzo de 2067, Milana recuerda lo que le ocurrió sesenta años atrás…
En 2009, Milana, oriunda de Chechenia, es alumna de una escuela primaria de París. Sus amiguitos, los de su pandilla, son Blaise, Alice, Claudio, Ali y Youssef.
Hasta el día en que expulsan a Youssef que no tenía papeles y, poco después, amenazan a Milana con lo mismo. Sintiéndose en peligro, los demás niños deciden hacer algo: juran permanecer siempre unidos y urden un complot para salvar a Milana…

Director: Romain Goupil
Productora delegada : Margaret Menegoz
Asistente de dirección : Guillaume Bonnier
Guionista : Romain Goupil
Director de fotografía/imágen : Irina Lubtchansky
Ingenieros de sonido : Sophie Chiabaut, Hélène Ducret, Dominique Dalmasso
Directora de producción : Angeline Massoni
Encargadas de prensa (pelicula) : Laurence Granec, Karine Ménard
Montadora : Laurence Briaud
Escenógrafo : Jean-Baptiste Poirot
Mezclador : Dominique Dalmasso


Milana è una bambina di origine cecena che vive a Parigi. La sua comitiva comprende ragazzi di ogni colore e provenienza. Quando uno di loro, Youssef, viene rimpatriato perché i genitori non hanno il permesso di soggiorno, lo stesso destino sembra attendere anche Milana. Ma i suoi compagni mettono in atto un piano per salvarla.

In un racconto a ritroso nel tempo, un'anziana donna cecena ripercorre nel 2067 gli anni della sua infanzia quando, assieme ai suoi fidati amici di scuola, vide portar via il giovane Yussef, espulso dal territorio perché privo di documenti. Fu allora che Blaise, amico innamorato di lei, per impedire che la stessa sorte potesse capitarle, decise di salvarla organizzando una fuga. Nella Parigi scossa dagli allontanamenti forzati dei sans papiers, un film che trasforma il cinema militante in una tenue favola politica affidando il tema dell'integrazione al racconto di un gruppo di bambini pronti a tutto pur di salvare la loro compagna.

Francia/France, 2010, 90'

Titolo italiano: Tutti per Uno

Regista: Romain Goupil

Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi, Linda Doudaeva, Jules Ritmanic, Hippolyte Girardot, Romain Goupil, Sissi Duparc, Louna Klanit, Jérémie Yousaf, Romain Goupil

Durata: 90 min.

prodotto da/produced by
Margaret Menegoz

Les Films du Losange

distribuzione iotaliana/Italian distribution
Teodora Film

Source: GFF 2012 (Out of Competition - Sezione: Parental Control)


2 files

Watch video

Hands Up - a film by Romain Goupil (with English Subtitles)

Watch video

Mains en l'air (Les) - un film de Romain Goupil (In French)



  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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