SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Histoire d'une rencontre (Hikaya liqa)

  • Histoire d'une rencontre (Hikaya liqa)
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : Hikaya liqa [titre original] | História de um Reencontro [Brésil]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1983
Format : Feature
Running time : 80 (in minutes)

Two deaf-mutes, a girl and a boy, meet near an oil exploitation base located somewhere in the third world. She, an American, follows her father on his travels around the world wherever new torches grow. He, a local boy, lives with his two sisters in a dilapidated farmhouse that his father has abandoned in favor of a small-scale chicken farm. Between them a sympathy is established that all kinds of conditions and predispositions will strengthen and develop in margin of the deep surrounding misery that takes the aspects of an illusory, prosperity, of a doubtful cultural exchange (sophisticated household appliances against traditional dresses and jewels). This world, hard and artificial in its disorder and contradictions, cuts the balance of a brief encounter. The departure of the father towards new building sites, new torchères comes to break this meeting.

starring / avec
Boumediène BELASRI, Carine MATTYS, Mohamed ARBOUZ, Allan GILL

a film by / un film de
Brahim TSAKI

Algeria, 1983, Feature narrative, 1h 20m, 35 mm, drama

Original Title (Arabic) / Titre Original (Arabe) : Hikaya liqa
(French title) / France (Titre français) : Histoire d'une rencontre
World-wide (English title) / Monde (titre anglais) : Tale of an Encounter
Turkey (Turkish title) / Turquie (titre turc) : Bir Karşılaşmanın Öyküsü
Brazil (Portuguese Title) / Brésil (Titre portugais) : História de um Reencontro

Country / Pays : Algeria / Algérie
Format / Format : 35 mm
Process / Procédé : Eastmancolor
Duration / Durée : 1h 20m (80 mins)
Year / Année : 1983
Themes: Youth, Teenage, Love, Friendship, Jeunesse, Adolescence, Amour, Amitié

Director / Réalisateur : Brahim TSAKI
Screenwriters / Scénario : Brahim TSAKI (& Yamina Kessar ??)
Musique : Safy BOUTTELA
Cinematographer / Image : Allel Yahiaoui
Sound / Son : Rachid Bouafia
Editing / Montage : Rachid MAZOUZA
Production Manager / Directeur de Production : Mohamed BAYOU
Production secretary (Production assistant) / Secrétaire de Production : Yamina KESSAR
Signs Expert / Expert Gestuel : Jacques DORMANT

Production / Production :
ONCIC (Office National pour le Commerce et l'Industrie Cinématographique) - Algeria

Contact :
CNCA (Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel, Algiers)

- World Premiere: on 2 September 1983 (Venice Film Festival, Italy)
- Winner: Best Actor Award (to Boumediene Belasri), at Amiens International Film Festival 1984
- Winner: Grand Prize (Etalon d'or de Yennega) - Étalon d'or au FESPACO 1985 (Ouagadougou Panafrican Film and Television Festival)
- Black Movie Film Fest 1995 (GENEVA)


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Hikaya Liqa | Histoire d'une rencontre, de Brahim Tsaki [...]



  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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