SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

New Americans (The)

  • New Americans (The)
© Courtesy of IDFA 2011
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2003
Format : Feature
Running time : 3432003 (in minutes)

This long-term project follows new immigrants from their various native countries to the United States, where the American Dream often turns out to be disappointing.

Between 1998 and 2002, different film crews followed the lives of non-European immigrants to the United States. They started filming in the countries of origin - Palestine, the Dominican Republic, India, Mexico and a Nigerian refugee camp in Benin - thus showing the great individual differences between immigrants: a modern Palestinian woman who wants freedom and a career, a computer programmer looking to get ahead, two Dominican baseball talents who have been discovered, a refugee who cannot return home, and a family trying to finally make a life together. But despite all the differences, the similarities abound: the tears shed upon departure, the often naive dreams of freedom, wealth and happiness, the pressure from relatives to send money home, and the disappointing reality post-arrival. Above all, the documentary gives all these aspects of immigration a human face. In interviews, the immigrants talk about their expectations, their relationships, and their families, and the crew does its best to keep a low profile at events both small and large. A birth, a baptism, moving house, looking for a job - but also on Black Monday, when the stock exchange crashes, and during the attacks on the World Trade Center.

2003, USA, color, video, 343 min

Directors: Renee Tajima-Peña, Susana Aikin, Indu Krishnan, Jerry Blumenthal, Gordon Quinn, Carlos Aparicio, Steve James
Photography: Carlos Aparicio, Steve James, Peter Gilbert, Viren Thambidorai, Gordon Quinn, Dana Kupper, Scott Sinkler, Editing Leslie Simmer, David E. Simpson, Steve James
Sound Bruno Patara, Jerry Blumenthal, Gita Saedi, Adam Singer, Fenell Doremus
Music Norman Arnold
Narration various
Narrator Ismael Bashay
Production Gita Saedi for Kartemquin Films

Executive producer
Gordon Quinn for Kartemquin Films
Steve James for Kartemquin Films

Involved TV Channel
ITVS International

Tags : Human Interest / Social Issues
Country of Production: USA

Contact info
Screening copy Kartemquin Films

Selected for
IDFA 2011 (non competitive programme: Special Screenings)
FORUM 1999
IDFA 2003
Docs for Sale 2003



  • Alliance Française VANUATU

With the support of