SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Our friends at the bank

  • Nos amis de la banque
Genre : Political
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2008
Format : Feature
Running time : 84 (in minutes)

Peter Chappell siguió durante un año las reuniones preparatorias, la elaboración de la estrategia y de las negociaciones entre el Banco Mundial y Uganda, demostrando las disyuntivas políticas en juego entre los países ricos, que controlan las instituciones financieras internacionales, y un país pobre.

The future of many developing countries is largely dependent on an institution which is already fifty years old, the World Bank. Criticized and questioned as to its utility, and confronted with numerous setbacks, the Bank is going through a perplexing time in regard to deciding what new strategies to adopt, especially in Africa. For fourteen months, Peter Chappel followed negotiations between the World Bank and Uganda in order to understand and describe the obscure and abstract mechanisms that shape the reality of North-South relations, as well as the future of millions of people.

Director: Peter Chappel
Length: 84'
Country of origin: France
Year of production: 1998
Production: JBA Production / La Sept Arte / IBT Production / Channel 4 / DR TV / IKON / SVT / YLE / SBS
Original version: English
Version(s) available : English subtitled
Sous-titrée française


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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