SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Mohamed Kordofani

  • Mohamed Kordofani
© DR
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter, Distributor
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Sudanese Film director and Producer.

Mohamed KORDOFANI is a Film Director, Screenwriter and Producer (Kordofani Films).

He is known for GOODBYE JULIA (2023, Director, Screenwriter), NYERKUK (2016, Director, Screenwriter, Producer).

He won the Freedom Award (Prix de la Liberté 2023) at the 76th Cannes Film Festival(section Un Certain Regard, 2023), with his debut feature narrative GOODBYE JULIA produced by Amjad Abu Alaa.

Mohamed Kordofani studied independent film making, directing and cinematography. He produced and co-produced a number of projects before launching his own business, Kordofani films.

Mohamed Kordofani is a fulltime aircraft engineer and a part-time Sudanese filmmaker based in Bahrain. In 2014 he enrolled in a one year course in independent filmmaking. In 2015 he directed his first short film Gone for Gold. Mohamed then launched a film production house in Sudan. Nyerkuk, which won the NAAS Award at Carthage Film Festival, is his second short film.


(2023) Goodbye Julia - Wadaean Julia
Feature film / Long-métrage Fiction (Soudan) | Starring / avec : Siran Riak, Eiman Yousif, Nazar Goma, Ger Duany | Festivals / Awards : Prix de la Liberté 2023 (section Un Certain Regard, 76è Festival de Cannes),
/// Director, Screenwriter, Co-Producer / Réalisateur, Scénariste, Co-Producteur

Documentary / Documentaire | Broadcast / Diffusion TV : Sudan's national TV (Télévision nationale soudanaise), on Wednesday the 3rd of June 2020, at 5:35 pm and 11:00 pm
/// Director, Screenwriter, Co-Producer / Réalisateur, Scénariste, Co-Producteur

(2019) KEJER'S PRISON - سجن الكجر
2nd Short Narrative / 2è Court-métrage Fiction (France) | Starring / avec : Wad Elbahar, Hatim Mamon, Katom, Omer Halag, Mohamed Alomda | Prod : Kordofani Films, Highlight Productions |
/// Director, Screenwriter, Co-Producer / Réalisateur, Scénariste, Co-Producteur

(2016) Nyerkuk | نيركوك
1st Short Narrative / 1er Court-métrage Fiction (Soudan) | Starring / avec : Fakhreldin Tariq, Khaled Abuashara (Khaled Abu Ashara), Ahmed Sidahmed | Prod : Kordofani Films | Festivals / Awards : Première Mondiale & Prix NAAS du meilleur film arabe (Journées cinématographiques de Carthage 2016, Tunisie), Prix Black Elephant (Meilleur film soudanais), Prix du jury (Festival international du film arabe d'Oran, Algérie), Prix Arnone-Belavite Pellegrini (FCAAAL de Milan, Italie), Sélection - Filmlab (Palestine Cinema Days, Nablus - Palestine, 2016), Sélection - Focus Soudan (Festival cinémas d'Afrique 2018, Lausanne - Suisse)
/// Director, Screenwriter, Co-Producer / Réalisateur, Scénariste, Co-Producteur

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- http://mad-distribution.film/GBJ-01-FR.pdf
- www.kordofanifilms.com/
- http://pcd.flp.ps/content/nyerkuk
- www.festival-cannes.com/p/mohamed-kordofani-2/
Updated by Thierno DIA, 28 May 2023


المخرج: محمد كردفاني

محمد كردفاني" صانع افلام و منتج سوداني مقيم بالبحرين حيث يعمل كمهندس طيران، درس دورة لصناعة الفلم المستقل واخرج اول افلامه القصيرة "دهب ولم يعد" في العام 2015، ثاني اعماله فلم "نيركوك" الذي كان عرضه الاول "بأيام قرطاج السينمائية" والتي فاز فيها بجائزة "شبكة الشاشات العربية البديلة ناس" لأفضل فلم قصير، كما حاز ايضا على "جائزة حسين شريف الفيل الاسود لأفضل فلم سوداني لعام 2017 من مهرجان السودان للسينما المستقلة، بالإضافة لعدد من الجوائز الأخرى



Mohamed Kordofani
Nasce a Khartoum (Sudan), dove si laurea ingegnere aeronautico e parallelamente porta avanti la carriera di regista e produttore. Pur essendosi trasferito a 28 anni in Bahrein, il suo lavoro da cineasta è tuttora focalizzato sulla realtà sociale sudanese. Il suo primo cortometraggio, Gone for Gold, viene selezionato nel 2015 all'Alexandria Film Festival. Nyerkuk è presentato in prima mondiale alle Journées cinématographiques de Carthage.

2014 - Gone for gold, cm
2016 - Nyerkuk, cm



7 files


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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