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Sana Na N'Hada

  • Sana Na N'Hada
© Odile Motelet
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter, Director of photography (d.o.p.), Chief executive officer (ceo)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
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Bissau Guinean film director, screenwriter, director of photography, producer.

Sometimes credited as

Sana NA N'HADA is a Director, Screenwriter, Cinematographer, Producer.

He is known for Mortu Nega (1988, Assistant director), XIME (1994, Director), Isabel from Bissau (2005, Director).

He was born in 1950 in Enxalé (Guinea-Bissau). In his film essay "Sans soleil", Chris Marker re-uses images of the Bissau carnival shot by Sana Na N'Hada.

He studied cinema in Cuba, during the war of armed liberation, with Flora Gomes, Josefina Crato and José Bolama.
After independence in 1978, the four of them founded the National Institute of Cinema (INC), on the model of its Cuban counterpart ICAIC.

On his return to Guinea, he films the war of independence. After independence, in 1976 he co-directed two short films with Flora Gomes: "Le retour de Cabral" and "Anos no assa luta". In 1978, he made his first short film alone, "The Days of Ancono". During the 70s and 80s, he worked on many films, including "Sans soleil" by Chris Marker and "Mortu nega" by Flora Gomes. In 1984, he directed his second short film, "Fanado". In 1979, N'Hada was appointed director of the National Institute of Cinema of Guinea Bissau (INCA).

Sana Na N'Hada was born in Enxale, Guinea-Bissau. In 1967, together with three other Guinean students, he was given the opportunity to learn film-making at the Cuban film institute ICAIC. Upon their return in 1972, the group started a regular film praxis from which emerged the National Film Institute INCA, founded in the aftermath of Independence in the mid-1970s. Sana Na N'Hada co-authored most films and footages preserved today in the INCA archive, which became the reference point for the research project Luta ca caba inda, which N'Hada initiated together with Filipa César, Flora Gomes and Suleimane Biai in 2012.

In a cinematic career spanning some four plus decades Sana Na N'Hada has borne witness to the best and the worst times in Guinea-Bissau. He joined Amìlcar Cabral's revolutionary army in the heady days of the war for independence. In the restive years following self-rule he set about making evocative films that captured and challenged the prevailing zeitgeist.

N'Hada's filmography includes the documentaries O Regresso de Amílcar Cabral (1976), Les Jours d'Ancono (1978) and Fanado (1984), the fiction films Xime (1994), selected for the Cannes Film Festival, Bissau d'Isabel (2005), and Kadjike (2012). Sana Na N'Hada has worked with many filmmakers, including Anita Fernandez, Chris Marker, Sarah Maldoror, Joop va Wijk, Leyla Assaf-Tengroth and regularly with Flora Gomes.

1976 /// O retorno de Cabral - The return of Cabral (Short) /// Co-Director (with Flora Gomes)
1976 /// Anos no assa luta - Years in the fight (short) /// Co-Director (with Flora Gomes)
1979 /// The Amilcar Cabral Tournament | O Torneio Amilcar Cabral /// DIRECTORS: Jom Tob Azulay, Fernando Cabral, Flora Gomes /// Co-Cinematographer
1988 /// Mortu Nega /// DIRECTOR: Flora Gomes /// Assistant Director
1994 /// Xime /// Director (Jury Special award at 1994 Amiens Film Festival, Nominee Un certain regard at 1994 Cannes Film Festival)
2005 /// Bissau d'Isabel (documentary) /// Director
2013 /// Kadjike /// Director
2017 /// Spell Reel /// DIRECTOR: Filipa César /// Participant
2023 /// Nome

updated by Thierno Dia, June 27, 2022

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- www.goethe.de/prj/zei/de/exp/21867043.html
- https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sana_Na_N%27Hada
- www.3continents.com/fr/individu/sana-na-n-hada/
- www.goethe.de/prj/zei/en/exp/21867043.html
- https://imagesdelaculture.cnc.fr/-/naissance-d-une-nation
Updated by Thierno DIA, 12 March 2024



Filmregisseur von Guinea-Bissau

Manchmal gutgeschrieben als

Sana Na N'Hada wurde 1950 in Enxale (Guinea-Bissau) geboren. 1967 erhielt Sana Na N'Hada zusammen mit drei anderen guineischen Studierenden die Möglichkeit, am kubanischen Filminstitut ICAIC das Filmemachen zu erlernen. Nach ihrer Rückkehr im Jahr 1972 begann die Gruppe, regelmäßig Filme zu drehen. Daraus ging das Nationale Filminstitut INCA hervor, das nach der Unabhängigkeit Guinea-Bissaus Mitte der 1970er-Jahre gegründet wurde. Sana Na N'Hada ist Mitautor der meisten Filme und Aufnahmen, die heute im INCA-Archiv aufbewahrt werden und auf die sich das Rechercheprojekt Luta ca caba inda stützt, das er 2012 mit Filipa César, Flora Gomes und Suleimane Biai ins Leben rief.

In seiner mehr als vier Jahrzehnte währenden Filmkarriere hat Sana Na N'Hada die besten und schlechtesten Zeiten in Guinea-Bissau erlebt. In den aufregenden Tagen des Unabhängigkeitskrieges trat er in die Revolutionsarmee von Amìlcar Cabral ein. In den unruhigen Jahren nach der Unabhängigkeit machte er sich daran, bewegende Filme zu drehen, die den vorherrschenden Zeitgeist einfingen und herausforderten.

Sein filmisches Werk umfasst die Dokumentarfilme O Regresso de Amílcar Cabral (1976), Les Jours d'Ancono (1978) und Fanado (1984) sowie die Spielfilme Xime (1994, in der Auswahl des Filmfestivals von Cannes), Bissau d'Isabel (2005) und Kadjike (2012). Sana Na N'Hada hat mit vielen Filmemacher*innen zusammengearbeitet, darunter Anita Fernandez, Chris Marker, Sarah Maldoror, Joop va Wijk, Leyla Assaf-Tengroth und regelmäßig mit Flora Gomes.

Sana Na N'Hada beim Latitude-Festival:
Archive: Aufruf zur Dekolonisierung und Reflexion

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- www.goethe.de/prj/zei/de/exp/21867043.html
Updated by Thierno DIA, 12 March 2024


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