SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

African Film in the Digital Era Conference

Pour les universitaires et les praticiens du cinéma (for academics and Practitioners). + présentation de la revue Journal of African Cinemas
  • African Film in the Digital Era Conference
Genre : Conférence internationale | Harrow, Middlesex

Dimanche 29 novembre 2009

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv

Start Date: 29th Nov 2009 9:30am
End Date: 29th Nov 2009 7:00pm
Duration: 9 hours and 30 minutes
Description: This one-day interdisciplinary conference invites academics, film and video producers, policy makers, film distributors, Africa specialists, and development practitioners to debate the role and future of African film and video.

To register, please complete a downloadable registration form

Confirmed Keynote Speakers
Mr. Emeka Mba, Director General of the Nigerian Film & Video Censors Board
Professor Mbye Cham, Howard University, USA, co-editor of the book of African Experiences of Cinema
Conference overview
African film has emerged strongly "at a crucial time in the history of Africa, not only as a voice of the people, but also as an answer to the drudgery of a socio-economic existence characterised by high unemployment and contracting opportunities" (Ogunleye 2003). Apart from empowering the marginalised, the African film and video industry now benefits many on the continent. In most African countries, filmmakers are self-funded and get little input from the public sector. Yet it is the product of this growing body of self-sponsored and mostly independent film producers that has proved to be the best public relations for many African governments and communities. African economies benefit immensely from the direct and indirect taxes they levy on African films. And while some filmmakers exist in "grey areas" of the law, quotas in some parts of Africa have assured producers of markets. The picture is further confused by differing attitudes to piracy and copyright across the continent. New technologies have made production and distribution easier, but is this a positive? Previous debates have focused on shared problems around issues such as language, content, regulation, funding, form or quality in African films, but how is the situation after 2000?

Other speakers
Kunle Afolayan, Film Director, Nigeria
Oladipo Agboluaje, Nigerian UK-based theatre/screen writer, Area Boys
Imruh Bakari, Lecturer, co-author'African Experiences of Cinema'
Anver Versi, Africa Business Magazine
Peace Anyiam, CEO of AMAA & Film Producer, Nigeria
Emmanuel Apea, Film Director, Ghana
Biyi Bandele, Nigerian UK-based novelist and screen writer, UK
Guido Convents, African film historian and anthropologist, Belgium
Jonathan Dockney, Researcher, University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
Lindiwe Dovey, Professor, lecturer in African Film and Performance, SOAS, UK
Obi Emelonye, Lawyer/Film Director
June Givanni, Film consultant, UK
Susanne Hammacher, Film Officer BFI/RAI, UK
Wanuri Kahui, Film Director, Kenya
Martin Mhando, Professor/Editor of the Journal of African Cinemas
Keyan Tomaselli, Professor/Editor of the Journal of African Cinemas
Bimpe Nkontchou, lawyer/Nigerian
Omelihu Nwanguma, British-born Nigerian film director, Area Boys
Dayo Ogunyemi lawyer/Nigerian
Farai Sevenzo, Film Director, Zimbabwe/UK
Keith Shiri, Director of Africa at the Pictures, UK
Russell Southwood, Balancing Act: African Broadcast, Film and Convergence
Jane Thorburn, Television Director/Principal Lecturer, CREAM, University of Westminster
Download the draft programme

Please note that the final programme will include other speakers.

The conference is organised by University of Westminster's Africa Media Centre (AMC) in association with the Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), Communication Research in Arts and Media (CREAM), the London African Film Festival (LAFF) and Africa at the Pictures

Conference Fee
£35 Free for Staff & students of the University of Westminster. Fee includes registration, conference pack, lunch, coffee/tea and wine reception

For more information contact
Helen Cohen
Short Courses and Events Administrator
University of Westminster
School of Media, Arts and Design
School Registry
Harrow, Middlesex, UK

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7911 5000 ext 4298
Fax +44 (0)20 7911 5995
E-mail: H.Cohen02@westminster.ac.uk

Dr. Winston Mano
Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI)
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
School of Media, Arts and Design
University of Westminster
Harrow Campus
Watford Road
Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 3TP, UK

Tel: +44(0)2079115000 ext 4427

For more information, please visit: www.africaatthepictures.co.uk


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