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Festival International du Film PanAfricain de Cannes - FIFP 2015

12ème édition
Festival International du Film PanAfricain de Cannes - FIFP [...]
Genre : Festival | Cannes

Du mercredi 29 avril au dimanche 03 mai 2015

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv

Envolez-vous pour la 12ème édition du Festival International du Film PanAfricain de Cannes
29 avril au 3 mai 2015 - Hôtel Novotel Cannes Montfleury

La saga des avant-premières
Pour sa 12ème Edition, le Festival International du Film PanAfricain de Cannes vous propose plus de 50 films, dont une majorité en avant-première.

Un Jury de Professionnels
Un Jury présidé par Stéphanie GIRERD réalisatrice du Film "Africaine" décernera les DIKALO Award.

Le plus du Salon PanAfricain
C'est la possibilité de rencontrer dans le cadre de notre Salon PanAfricain plus de 200 professionnels du cinéma, de la musique, du livre (romans et BD), de la mode, des arts vivants et visuels dans un Espace de 1500m2.
Un moment unique pour vibrer pendant 5 jours aux rythmes de l'Afrique et de sa diaspora.

Plusieurs salles de Projections
Plusieurs salles de projections sont à votre disposition au Novotel Cannes Montfleury dont l'Auditorium Californie.
Un programme varié et ouvert à Tous.

Nos séances
Des projections tous les jours à partir de 09h00.
Plus de 6 séances par jours.

Les plus de cette année
* Les Après-midi jeune public. Toute une programmation de films
d'animation pour enfants.

Nos soirées de Gala
Tous les soirs, nos Diners de Gala inoubliables à partir de 19h00 au menu : gastronomie, cinéma, mode, musique, danse et soirées dansantes. Ouvert à tous

Program Films FIFP2015 - Auditorium Californie
April 29 avril - May 03 mai 2015
Séance /Screening : 09h /9 am - 11h /11 am -13h /1pm - 15h / 3pm - 17h - 7pm - 21h / 9pm
Programme susceptible de modification / Program subject to change

A COURT D'ENFANTS de Marie-Hélène Roux - Fiction - 40' - France - 2014 -
Inspiré d'un fait réel, ce film commence en 1963 sur l'île de la Réunion. Camélien 10 ans et sa sœur Lenaïs 5 ans sont arrachés à leur mère afin de participer au repeuplement des départements français touchés par l'exode rural. Transféré en plein hiver dans la Creuse, Camélien sert de main d'œuvre ouvrière dans une ferme isolée où il dort au milieu du bétail.
Inspired by true events, the film begins in 1963 on Reunion Island. Camelien (10) and his sister Lenais (5) are torn away from their mother to participate in the repopulation of the French departments affected by the rural exodus. Transferred in winter in the department of Creuse, Camelien serves as labor in an isolated farm where he sleeps with cattle.
Vendredi 01 mai - 18h00 / Friday, May 1 - 6pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

ADY GASY de Nantemaina Lova - Doc. - 84' - Madagascar - 2014
"Les Chinois fabriquent des objets, les Malgaches les réparent."Il y a ceux qui font des chaussures à partir de pneus, ceux qui fabriquent des lampes à partir de boîtes de lait concentré sucré et même ceux qui transforment en médicaments et savon les os de zébus... Le temps d'un film, imaginons que ce ne soit plus aux économistes d'exposer leur modèle de croissance mais à chacun de valoriser le "ADY GASY", notre art de vivre encore largement répandu à Madagascar. Le "ADY GASY" ne serait plus alors un "système D faute de mieux" mais un véritable art de la créativité, de l'adaptation et de la fraternité.
"The Chinese make things, the Malagasy fix them." Just for the time of a film, let's have fun reversing roles... Let's imagine it isn't for the economists anymore to demonstrate their growth model, but for the farmers, artists, craftsmen, and streetwise sellers of all kind to showcase their skills. There are those who recycle tires into shoes, those who make lamps from sweetened condensed milk cans, those who transform zebu bones that were left by the stray dogs into soap and medication. In Madagascar, proverbs, music and recycling skills challenge economics with humour!
Samedi 02 mai - 18h00 / Saturday, May 2 - pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

AFUA'S DIARY by Bibi Shadbolt - Romance - 81' - UK - 2014 - VOSTF -
Afua Forson Brown est le reflet d'une belle femme moderne avec en prime le fait d'être étrangère dans le pays où elle vit, d'avoir un père alcoolique qui lui réclame sans cesse de l'argent et un compagnon arrogant. Malgré cela elle rayonne...
Afua Forson Brown is a pretty African girl whose life is a catalogue of problems. She has a lazy, arrogant and aggressive boyfriend who depends on her for everything and an alcoholic father in Ghana who frivolously spends the money he sends him. In addition to this, her UK students visa is near expiration. Afua eventually meets the man of her dreams but her escalating problems become a threat to their relationship.
Vendredi 01 mai - 15h00 / Friday, May 1 - 3pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

AMISSA (la Messe) de Hyacinthe Hounsou - Policier -115' - Côte d'Ivoire - 2014 - Français.
Un homme de foi préposé au salut des âmes, renverse accidentellement le criminel le plus recherché du pays. Son chemin croise alors celui du Lieutenant Bosco, policier véreux aux pratiques douteuses. Lewis musicien et habile pickpocket à ses heures perdues rêve de gloire et d'argent mais se retrouve confiné à une autre réalité Quand il est sollicité pour retrouver le diamant perdu, il est loin de s'imaginer que sa dernière mission changera à jamais son existence
Jeudi 30 avril - 15h00 / Thurday, April 30 - 3pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

AN AMERICAN ASCENT by Andy Adkins - Doc. -Outdoor, Adventure - 66' - USA - 2015 - VO - English - Anglais.
An American Ascent documents the first African-American expedition to tackle Denali (aka Mt. McKinley, North America's highest peak), while shedding light on the complex relationship many African-Americans have with the outdoors. As the United States transitions to a "minority majority" nation, a staggering number of people of color do not identify with America's wild places.
Jeudi 30 avril - 17h00 / Thurday, April 30 - 5pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

ANGEL OF HELL by Shameem Shahid - Doc. 18'02 - Bangladesh - 2015 - V.O -English - Anglais
The nine months of armed conflict during 1971 that resulted in East Pakistan breaking away to become an independent Bangladesh is a story of blood and tears. Official and unofficial estimates of deaths range widely between 300,000 and three million. In addition to the mass killings, a large number of Bangladeshi women were subjected to sexual violence; the official figure is some 200,000. While Pakistan has not been immune from the trauma of war, its government has repeatedly denied the allegations of genocide in Bangladesh.
Vendredi 01 mai - 18h00 - Friday, April 30 - 6pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

AYEOLA : LA DANSE DES COULEURS de Jonathan Drumeaux - Doc. - 06'24 - France - 2014
"Ayeola: la Danse des Couleurs" présente le portrait d'une artiste peintre d'origine guadeloupéenne vivant à Salvador (Brésil). C'est une rencontre et un échange avec l'univers d'Ayeola et le réalisateur. L'histoire raconte comment les émotions et la sensibilité pour les couleurs du ciel, ont amené naturellement cette femme vers la peinture.
"Ayeola: the Dance of Colors"is the portrait of a Guadeloupean artist and painter who resides in Salvador, Bahia (Brazil). More than anything, it is an encounter and an exchange with Ayeola's and the director humbly. It narrates how sensibilies and astonishment at the changing colors of the sky, led this woman naturally to painting those colors.
Jeudi 30 avril - 21h00 / Thurday, April 30 - 9pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

A ZEST FOR LIFE: AFRO-PERUVIAN RHYTHMS, A Source OF LATIN JAZZ - Eve A. Ma - Doc. - 57' - USA - 2015 - Espagnol - VOST anglais - En Présence de la Rélisatrice
Enregistrée au Pérou et aux États Unis, "A Zest for Life" conte l'histoire de la musique et de la danse franco-péruviennes, ses liens avec le latin jazz ainsi que celle de la communauté qui lui a donné vie. Notre interlocuteur est Lalo Izquierdo: un danseur, chorégraphe, percussionniste, et maître en tradition dans sa communauté. Il est accompagné par les danseuses et les musiciens du groupe "de Rompe y Raja".
Filmed in Peru and the United States, "A Zest for Life" tells the story of Afro-Peruvian traditional music and dance, its connection to Latin Jazz, and the history of the community from which it springs. Our star is Lalo Izquierdo, an Afro-Peruvian who is a dancer, choreographer, percussionist, and a folklorist of his community. He is supported by the fine performance of the group (in which he appears) called "de Rompe y Raja.
Samedi 02 mai - 20h00 / Saturday, May 2 - 8pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

BÊAFRÎKA de Pascale SERRA-NGA GNII VUETO Doc. - 30' - Centrafrique - 2015
Un citoyen a-t-il des devoirs envers un pays qui traverse depuis plusieurs années une série d'instabilités politiques, économiques et sociales ? Peut-il se dire patriote ? Le documentaire Bêafrîka tente de répondre à ces questions à travers les témoignages des centrafricains résidant en France et de ceux qui sont restés au pays. Bêafrîka, c'est aussi une ode à la République Centrafricaine, un beau pays si peu connu et oublié, malheureusement réputé que pour ses événements tragiques.
Does a citizen have duties to a country which has been going through a series of political, economic and social instability for many years? Can he pretend to be a patriot ? "Bêafrîka" documentary attempts to answer these questions through the testimonies of Central African people living in France and those who remain in the country. "Bêafrîka" is also an ode to the Central African Republic, a beautiful, however hardly known and forgotten country, unfortunately renowned for its tragic events only.
Dimanche 03 mai - 17h00 / Sonday, May 3 - 5pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

BEAUTIFUL DESTROYER by Christopher Dorrah - Thriller, drama, romance - 115' - USA - 2014 VO - English - Anglais -
Leigh, an eccentric young woman, witnesses her mother murdered by the woman who would raise her. She grows up to be a ruthless assassin and fights with hiding her real life reality from the love
of her life.
Samedi 02 mai - 21h00 / Saturday, May 2 - 9pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP by Michele Aime - Doc. - 93' - Netherlands - 2014 - V.O Afrikaans with English & Dutch subtitles - Anglais.
A charismatic abalone poacher. A dead son. A broken love story.
Three story-lines bound together by a single theme: the curse of the abalone. Abalone is an endangered marine snail that's prized as an aphrodisiac and status symbol in China, but illegal harvesting has disastrous consequences for the traditional fishing community of Hawston near Cape Town in South Africa. ‘Between the Devil and the Deep' presents a window into the hearts and lives of three mixed-race families in a traditional fishing community that's suspended in a limbo between traditional lifestyle, daily survival and the trappings of a corrupt and brutal enforcement apparatus, which has left countless victims in its wake.
Samedi 02 mai - 16h00 / Saturday, May 2 - 4pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

BLACK PANTHER WOMAN by Hayley Johnson - Doc. - 52'15 - USA - 2014 - V.O English - En anglais
In 1972 Marlene Cummins fell in love with the leader of the Australian Black Panther Party. With the break up of that relationship, she spiralled into a cycle of addiction that left her on the streets
and vulnerable. Forty years later Marlene travels to a gathering of international Black Panthers in New York. The journey takes her back in time. Still struggling with addiction, she reveals the secrets she has held onto, to face her demons today.
Vendredi 01 mai - 15h00 - Friday, April 30 - 3pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

CAMP 72 by Seema Mathur - Doc. - 75' - USA - 2015 - V.O - English - Anglais
During Liberia's Civil War, Gladys was forced to watch the brutal murder of her mother by a NPFL Rebel. The same fighter held her as a sex slave for years. The nightmare started at an area Gladys
refers to as Camp 72. A decade later, Gladys like many survivors of the 14 year civil war is trying to rebuild her life. The rebel who raped Gladys and killed her mother lives in freedom miles away from her as no one in Liberia has been prosecuted for their war crimes...
Jeudi 30 avril - 19h00 / Thurday, April 30 - 7pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

CONGO BEAT THE DRUM by Ariel Tagar - Doc. - 57' - Israel / Jamaica - 2014 - VO English, Hebrew -
Two musicians from Tel Aviv travel to Jamaica to record an album with forgotten reggae artists from the past. The film follows Ariel Tagar (Kalbata) and Uri Wertheim (Mixmonster), from their basement studio in Tel Aviv, all the way to the Kingston ghettos, looking for their favourite singers of days gone by. In Jamaica, they encounter a strange, often challenging culture while trying to achieve their goal. A unique musical journey into the forgotten corners of reggae of the seventies and eighties, and a rare glimpse into the smoky, dusty world of Rub-a-Dub and its past champions.
Dimanche 03 mai - 14h00 / Sunday, May 2 - 2pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

DADDY DUTY by Nikki Bates - Comedy - 10' - USA - 2015 - V.O - English - Anglais -
'Daddy Duty' is an action drama set to music in which a father who finds out his daughter's doll has been stolen and he decides to get it back.
Vendredi 01 mai - 19h00 / Friday, May 1 - 7pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

OMAR de Hammami Achref - Doc. 11'44 - Tunisie - 2014 - Arabe ST français
Omar est un jeune homme résidant dans une cité nommée M'Hamdia, dès le premier regard, on constate qu'il est fou. Mais après quelques jours de sa compagnie, on constate qu'il est un vrai artiste, grâce à la maison de culture de M'Hamdia, quand elle existait
Omar is a young man living a city named M'Hamdia, at first glance, we see he's crazy. But after a few days of his company, we see that he is a true artist, thanks to the home culture M'Hamdia when
it existed
Samedi 02 mai - 19h00 / Saturday, May 2 - 7pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

PAN by Dalton Narine - Doc. - 09'11 - Trinidad and Tobago - 2015 - English - En anglais
The nativity of Pan - the percussion instrument of the steel band you hear today at beach resorts, at Caribbean-themed Carnivals around the world, in movie soundtracks and on recordings - was a serendipitous moment, though pioneers and history would remember it as ordained because of its miraculous happenstance in the underbelly of society in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, the southernmost islands in the archipelago.
The backstory might not matter to the casual listener, or U.S. President Barrack Obama, who was gifted a steel pan, and mini-pans for his daughters, during a visit to the twin-island republic in April
2009. And if she were alive, England's Queen Mother herself, whose eclectic album collection included a prized LP by Desperadoes, one of the world's most famous steel bands. But the lore of the culture would surely attract the historian and the curious.
Jeudi 30 avril - 21h00 / Thurday, April 30 - 9pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

PAGE TOURNEE de Doudou Biama - Comedy - 29' - Congo - 2013
Mwassi jeune femme moderne doit faire un choix entre Balabala, son amoureux et son travail. C'est dans ces moments de questionnement qu'elle rencontre Momo.
Dimanche 03 mai - 17h00 / Sunday, May 2 - 5pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

PEULS, BERGERS BERGER DE LUMIERE de Antoine Leonardi - Doc. 52' - France - 2014
"Peuls, bergers de Lumière", nous fait découvrir ce peuple nomade et pacifique, vivant dans les grands espaces de l'Afrique du Sahel. Antoine Leonardi et Jean-Michel Mariotti, nous offrent une immersion dans un monde pittoresque et hors du temps, qui nous invite à la réflexion sur le paradoxe de nos sociétés de consommation.
"Fulanis, shepherds of Light", reveals this nomadic and peaceful people, living in large areas of the Sahel Africa. Antoine Leonardi and Jean-Michel Mariotti, offer us an immersion in a picturesque world, out of time, which invites us to think about the paradox of our consumer society.
Vendredi 01 mai - 15h00 - Friday, April 30 - 3pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

PHONE BOOTH by vahagn khachatryan - Doc. - 9'52 - Arménie - 2015 - VO - English - Anglais
The phone booth as a tool of last decade are disappearing. People who are still using them are out of time and borders. To whom are directed those anonymous calls.
Jeudi 30 avril -15h00 / Thurday, April 30 - 3pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

POVERTY, INC. by Michael Matheson Miller, 2013, USA, documentaire, 1hr35- In english - En Anglais
FIGHTING POVERTY IS BIG BUSINESS. BUT WHO PROFITS THE MOST? This critique of the development establishment examines the rise of the vast multi-billion dollar poverty industry of doing good, a system that often benefits multinational corporations, large NGOs, and geopolitical interests more than the people actually living in poverty. From TOMs Shoes to international adoptions, from solar panels to U.S. agricultural subsidies, the film challenges each of us to ask the tough question: Could I be part of the problem?
Samedi 02 mai - 13h00 / Saturday, May 2 - 1am - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

POKOU, PRINCESSE ASHANTI de Kan Souffle - Animation - Côte d'Ivoire - 2013
Au XVIIIème siècle, dans le royaume Ashanti, vécut la princesse Abla Pokou. Conseillère très influente du roi Opokou Warê, elle est opposée à la guerre et constitue donc un sérieux obstacle pour le guerrier Kongouê Bian devenu adepte de sorcellerie. Assoiffé de pouvoir, ce dernier renverse le roi, son meilleur ami, et se débarrasse de l'héritier légitime détrône. Pokou parvient par son charisme à éviter une guerre entre les pros et anti-Kongouê Bian. Privilégiant l'exil à l'affrontement, elle quitte donc le Royaume. Kongouê Bian se lance à sa poursuite car il est déterminé à empêcher que se réalise la prophétie selon laquelle une femme prendra la tête d'un nouveau royaume aussi puissant que celui des Ashanti.
Eighteenth century. Abla Pokou lives in the Ashante Kingdom, which covers two third of present-day Ghana. Princess Pokou is a counselor who has a great influence on the King Opokou Warê and she is opposed to the war. Thus she is a serious obstacle on the path of a former warrior Kongouê Bian who is now a witchcraft adept. Because of his hunger for power he conducts a coup d'état against the king who happens to be his best friend. Kongouê also gets rid of the legitimate heir. The he succeeds to impose a new king. But thanks to her charisma and her mystical powers, Pokou manages to avoid a war between Ashanti people who support Kongouê-backed and those who are against him. The latter group accepts to go into exile with the princess. But Kongouê Bian and heavily armed warriors set off in pursuit of them. He is determined to to prevent the achievement of the prophecy saying that a new kingdom would be created and would be as powerful as Ashanti's.
Samedi 02 mai - 15h00 / Saturday, May 2 - 3pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

PRICE OF LOVE (Yefikir Wagawe) de Hermon Hailay - Romantic Drama - 99' - Ethiopie - 2014 ST français
Un jeune chauffeur de taxi Addis-Abeba est pris dans le côté sombre de l'amour, causant son taxi à être volé. Il se retrouve coincé dans une relation avec une prostituée, lui faisant face à son passé et
découvrir quel est le prix de l'amour.
A young Addis Ababa taxi driver gets caught up in the dark side of love, causing his taxi to be stolen. He finds himself stuck in a relationship with a prostitute, making him confront his past and discover what is the price of love.
Gala d'ouverture - Opening Gala - Mercredi 29 avril - 19h00 / Wednesday, April 29 - 7pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

SALLY'S WAY by Joanne Johnson - Comedy - 74' - Trinidad and Tobago - 2015 VOSTF
Set in the lush, Caribbean island of Trinidad, Sally is an 12-year-old HIV/ AIDS orphan growing up with her grandmother, who falls ill. Sally find herself taken into the family home where her grandmother works as a maid. She shows herself to be a girl who is strong and brave and true, and models in creative and practical terms how a young person can have agency and form mutually beneficial relationships with community members in order to find solutions and meet needs.
Jeudi 30 avril - 21h00 / Thurday, April 30 - 9pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

SEE ME NOW by Glen MacKay - Doc. - 12'54 - UK - 2014 - VO - English - Anglais
See Me Now is a fashion film inspired by the quote - "The darker the skin, the uglier they're considered". Upon hearing that, I called upon models and designers of colour to showcase the beauty of dark skin. And to send a message, that beauty comes from being comfortable in your skin.
Vendredi 01 mai - 17h00 / Friday, May 1 - 5pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

SHAMEFUL DECEIT by Ayo Oyebade - 82'51 - Comedy romantic - UK - 2013 - VO - English- En anglais
Shameful Deceit tells the story of Elizabeth (Theodora Ibekwe) who has to deal with her philandering husband, Simon (Lanre Balogun). Elizabeth, a strong marriage advocate is torn between her belief and the devastating pain of betrayal.
Dimanche 03 mai - 17h00 / Sonday, May 3 - 5pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

SKETCH by Stephen Barton - Drama - 21'37 - USA - 2014 - English' Anglais
A 12 year-old boy on the Autistic spectrum uses his special talents to survive on his own in an impoverished and dangerous neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York.
Vendredi 01 mai - 20h00 / Friday, May 1 - 8 pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

SOMEWHERE IN THE MIDDLE by Lanre Olabisi - Drama, Romance - 89'45 - USA - 2015
Four lovers collide into each others' lives as one marriage morphs into several entangled affairs. Intertwining stories are retold from varying viewpoints leaving a love-crossed group to cope with attraction, obsession, and sexuality.
Vendredi 01 mai - 20h00 / Friday, May 1 - 8pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

SOPHIE by Fofo Gavua - Fiction - Neo Realism - 14'47 - Ghana - 2015 - VO - English - En anglais
Sophie is a Neo Realism film that explores the Dynamic between a Street preacher that falls in love with a Prostitute in Accra
Samedi 02 mai - 17h00 / Saturday, May 2 - 5pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

SOUNDIATA KEITA LE REVEIL DU LION de Abel Kouame - Animation - 70' - Côte d'Ivoire - 2014
Apres le grand succes de Pokou, le studio Afrikatoon, nous conte à travers une animation, l'épopée vraie de Soundiata KEITA. Soundiata KEITA, un jeune prince handicapé subit les railleries et attente Soundiata est nommée héritier du trone par son pere. Il devra faire face à la jalousie de son demi-frere Dankara Touman. Pourtant ralliant les peuples ennemis, et instituant des regles visionnaires de cette animation vous captivera pendant plus de 90 minutes.
Dimanche 03 mai - 15h00 / Sonday, May 3 - 3pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

THE BROTHERS TEXAS by Ashton Pina - Comedy - 15' USA - 2014 - English - Anglais
Every family has a secret and The Brothers Texas are no different. After their mother abandons them, Austin and Dallas are left to raise their little brother, Houston. On his 13th birthday, Houston finally builds up the courage to ask his crush to be his girl but will all his wishes come true ?
Jeudi 30 avril - 20h00 / Thurday, April 30 - 8pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

THE DOUBLE DEAL by Mark Holden - Drama, Fantasy - 15'46 - UK - 2014 - English - ST français
For Mathew Calder, life is about to change forever. An all night high stakes poker game results in not only the loss of a fortune, but very nearly his life as well. Whilst in a deep coma and in the twilight world between the life and death, he has an extraordinary experience and with it an opportunity to save himself, his life and his future.
Gala d'ouverture - Opening Gala - Mercredi 29 avril - 19h00 / Wednesday, April 29 - 7pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

THE PRODUCTIVE LIE by Mike Ray - Romantic Comedy - 105' - USA - 2014 - VO - English - Anglais
Love, lies, deceit, and the pursuit of a dream, all stirred up into one man's life, creates a series of productive lies. A productive lie, is an act of omission, or a skewing of the truth for thepurpose of protecting the other person from mental anguish - Besides, if it is just one lie, then no harm, no foul.
Jeudi 30 avril - 22h00 / Thurday, April 30 - 10pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

THE SEA by guido nicolás zingari - Doc. - 36'40 - Italy - 2014 - ST - English - Anglais
Maritime Region of Togo, village of Zooti. In the heart of one of the poorest countries in the world life takes its course as if suspended to an invisible thread that connects everything: the birth of a child, the work in the fields, the chorus of a Catholic church, spells and little rituals of the voodoo religion. In this laconic harmony, a young girl of twenty-four, Agboessi Gade, is trying to manage her last exam before high school. Only way out from this universe too tight, last light that seems to animate her endless adolescence, this small battle can open her unexpected possibilities.
Dimanche 03 mai - 14h00 / Sunday, May 2 - 2pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

THE SONS OF MAPES (Les Fils de Mapes) de Aaron Hosé - Doc. - 15' - USA - 2015
Dans " Les Fils de Mapes " le cinéaste crée un portrait intime de son père, en suivant sa jeunesse dans les Caraïbes et son ascension vers le succès en tant que joueur de tennis professionnel dans les
années 1960. Le film raconte les retrouvailles de son père après 40 ans avec son équipe de tennis collégiale tous latino-Américaine, et leur entraîneur âgé 86 ans de Texas. C'est une histoire sur l'amour, la foi, la persévérance, et les liens indéfectibles entre la famille et les vieux amis.
In "The Sons of Mapes", the filmmaker creates an intimate portrait of his father, following his youth in the Caribbean and rise to success as a professional tennis player in the 1960s. The film also chronicles his father's 40-year reunion with his all-Latin American collegiate tennis team and their 86 year-old coach from Texas. This is a story about love, faith, perseverance, and the unbreakable bonds between family and old friends.
Jeudi 30 avril - 17h00 / Thurday, April 30 - 5pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

THE SOUND OF ROAD de Barzan Rostami - animation 2'30 - Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran - 2014
The story is about fake loves. A boy and a girl meet each other in the street. After a while they get married. After a period of time living together and having some conflict they have a baby. In spite of the conflict they get divorced. As a result the child is wondering which one to choose, dad or mom, the child neither chooses dad nor mom, the child chooses the way which leads to vague fate....
Gala d'ouverture - Opening Gala - Mercredi 29 avril - 19h00 / Wednesday, April 29 - 7pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

THE WAY YOU LOVE by Lydia Darly - Family Drama - 9'57 - USA - 2014
The Way You Love est l'histoire d'un amour inconditionnel et le pardon du passé afin d'être libre. Il faut du courage pour aimer et pardonner à l'autre. Faire ainsi pourrait conduire à la rédemption et
de la liberté ultime.
The Way You Love is about unconditional love and forgiveness of the past in order to be free. It takes tremendous courage to love and forgive another. But doing so could lead to redemption and ultimate freedom.
Jeudi 30 avril - 21h00 / Thurday, April 30 - 9pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

TIME de Hervé Moukoko - Thriller - 27'37 - France - 2014
NOAH, a house surgeon whose father is waiting for a heart transplant for weeks, decides to set up a plan to save by all means, the life of his fat.
Samedi 02 mai - 19h00 / Saturday, May 2 - 7pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

UMUDUGUDU RWANDA 20 YEARS ON de Giordano Cossu - Doc. - 36' - France - 2014
Rwanda, twenty years on: former genocide killers and survivors live together once again in former or newly built umudugudus (villages). Haunted by their past and fearing an uncertain future, how is
life together, when your neighbour is the one who killed your family? A thought-provoking and enlightening documentary about the struggle to rebuild life in the hills of Rwanda.
Dimanche 03 mai - 14h00 / Sunday, May 2 - 2pm - Salon Oslo - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

WONDERFUL WORLD by David Saveliev - sci-fi, drama - 7'56 - USA - 2014 - VO - English - Anglais
science fiction drama about a lone survivor of an apocalypse who tries to escape his surroundings through his imagination.
Dimanche 03 mai - 17h00 / Sonday, May 3 - 5pm - Auditorium Californie - Novotel Cannes Montfleury

: 19h00 Dîner - 21h00 Dernière Séance - 23h00 Concert et/ou DJ
résident NSDradio.com
Plus de 30 pays représentés en plus des 54 pays africains, les Etats-Unis, Trinidad et Tobago, le Brésil, le Pérou, le Canada et bien d'autres encore...
Venez nombreux célébrer la beauté de l'Afrique et de sa diaspora à travers le monde, partager des moments culturels d'exception. La FIFP Team vous attend une fois de plus dans sa bonne humeur.

Nos tarifs :
Séances : 5€
Pass cinéma : 35€
Pass Festival (All Access) avec 5 dîners de Gala : 150€
Location : Points de ventes habituels
Programme complet sur notre site

Packs Tickets & Hôtels : Disponible à Partir de / Available from 350€ -
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous / Please contact us :
Info line : +33(0)610 046 944

Membres du jury 2015 / Members of the Jury 2015
* Présidente du Jury : Madame Stéphanie GIRERD
* Françoise ELLONG
* Monsieur Bernard OHEIX
* Monsieur Glad Amog LEMRA
* Monsieur Ayekoro KOSSOU
* Monsieur Tima OUAMBA

Directeur du Festival : Basile Ngangue Ebelle

Événements récurrents

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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

Avec le soutien de